Sunday, August 10, 2008

It is Never a Mundane Moment

..I am currently stuck in Milano, Italia, hopefully on my way to Paris safely soon, and I will be in London tonight, sleeping on my backpack (Perhaps not so peacefully) until my flights in the morning to NY, then Santa Ana.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Munchen - Deutschland with Tante Lilo and Jack


I am currently stationed in Italia and write to you from Venezia. Cinque Terre didnàt have any internet cafes, except for one where the info station was, yet it was inaccessible for a few days (while I was there). I have only 2 more days in Europe and it has gone so incredibly fast. I àm sorry there arent more pictures, but I havenàt been able to upload and write of my travels in a very inexpensive way as Iàve been accustomed to in the last week. Deutschland is probably second to Paris, is what I will say. Munchen blew me away with its charm and history. Jack and
Tante Lilo (my grandmotheràs sister and her husband) were the most amazing people. I can never repay their kindness and hospitality. They were wonderful. Although I didnàt have a chance to upload Deutschland photographs, yet, I can assure you I have several (Of course I will post after I return home.) Jack showed me the plaza where the Reich used to meet with Hitler, in front of a beautiful church, which much of was destroyed during the war. (It was intense just to stand there.) My favorite thing was seeing the old mesh with the new in this city. Munchen still has buildings which have withstood the test of time, although they are seated next to some residences which are restored for even as few as 2 to 3 years old. Jack has the unique perspective as chief architect for the city for many years. He has restored a few churches, noble residences (the theatre was amazing), and several museums, including the Pinakotek de Moderne and the Alte Pinakotek. (I probably spelled incorrectly.) In any case, I left Deutschland in quite an altered state = I wished I had more time there and almost felt homesick for this land of which I know so little and should be blessed with more time, in the future, I hope. The picture I have here is one of my new hostel friends (I have quite a few now.), Tina, who I met in Milano, on the next stop. She is from Japan and quite interesting, as well as funny and smart. Her English was practically perfect! Tina and Alan were my buddies in Milano. I spent the first night skipping around town, not sure where to go, and the second day I toured the top of the Duomo, a huge church with brilliant towers and superb architecture. The night prior, Alan and I discovered the Duomo by accident when looking for a glass of wine. We sat directly in front and this church lit up so beautifully, it was like being in the presence of a thousand stars. Quite ethereal and it was entirely by coincidence that this was discovered. Pretty fantastic, eh...Iàll write more later and tell you about my travels in Cinque Terre. There is quite a bit more to say. Ciao.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Sint-Jan, Cafe Bruxelles & Night in Soho Kitchen

I've been staying with Tante Lorene since Wednesday and we relaxed the night I arrived with Tamarah. Then the two of them took me to a small town close to Lorene's House in Breda, where we toured the canals, had some ice cream, and climbed the high tower of a famous church, Sint-Jan's - Hertogenbosch. Picturesque views and good times with family made this day one I will cherish. I've been waiting so long to visit my aunt and cousins in their home country, it is hard to believe I finally am here. I am dutch, too, and it is strange to call this my home. Somehow, it is-- perpendicular to my California easy-going side. Perhaps it wouldn't be so hard to live like this. Again -- I am finding it more difficult to come home. I think I could get used to a culture that despite its distinction from my own, is such a part of my unique personal geography.

It was my last night in Breda, and one of my favorite cousins took me out to dinner, Arjan. I met his girlfriend, Petra, for the first time and we toured their house, (Three stories high and quite spacious for a European home.) Discussing dutch real estate pricing later, I thought about the incomparable expense of overpriced California residences at home. We walked through much of the town, through the nearby parks, and the shops, stopping for drinks at a cafe, then getting to know each other. We discussed their pending trip to California (The tickets to LA were bought this week -- Awesome!) and the differences between our two countries. We stopped at SoHo Restaurant for dinner and started with beef carpaccio and parmesan, followed by surf en turf, along with a trio of strawberries (fresh fruit, mouse, and ice cream. Voila!) to top everything off. Arjan was just as I remember from a few years ago. Bright, energetic, and quick to laugh. He is a kindred spirit, and I cannot wait to see both of them in a few months for Christmas in the States. Petra is bubbly and tempers his carefree humor and stories with her own wit and laughter. I loved being around such positive energy last night. Arjan and I rehashed memories from his most recent trip to the states just 5 years ago, and even perused pictures from 1993 when he was ten and I was pretending to learn dutch from him as a precocious 12-year old, who wouldn't learn a second language until the age of fifteen. (I now speak spanish, very little french, and that sums in total this particular moment.) Our conversations delved into a side note about graduate education abroad and living close to those you love. Reconciling my passion for the way life is in these European cities with people I really enjoy spending my time, this makes it difficult to come home. I feel myself here.


  • Stop 10: 08/10 | Venice, Italy (Departure 12:35pm)
  • Stop 09: 08/04-08/09 | Cinque Terre, Italy
  • Stop 08: 08/03-08/04 | Milan, Italy
  • Stop 07: 08/01-08/02 | Berlin/Munich, Germany (Stephanie, Liesel, Jack)
  • Stop 06: 07/30-08/01 | Breda, NL (Arjan, Lorene, Lex, Lisa)
  • Stop 05: 07/29 | Den Hague, NL (Oom Eerie/Tante Jona)
  • Stop 04: 07/28-07/29 | Amsterdam, NL (Tamarah & Tobias)
  • Stop 03: 07/26-07/28 | Paris, France (Florence's Parents/Cousins)
  • Stop 02: 07/25-07/26 | London, Great Britain (Arrival 8:05am)
  • Stop 01: 07/24 | New York, NY (Departure 5:40pm)
  • Stop 00A-00B: 07/21-07/24 | Buffalo, NY (Work/Customer Event)