Thursday, July 31, 2008

Cycling in Crazy Streets with No Direction Home

Reading and cards home on the trein from Paris to the Netherlands

Streets of Amsterdam

I meant to mention on my last blog, two new friends I met, one an Aussie who is living in Paris, Marcus, the second a Danish, Jesper, both musicians, both travelers well=versed in Paris culture by now, I am certain. I spent the evening mainly with the Danish hobo (That's what he calls us travelers - I like it!). I have to say this was one of my favorite nights so far...I love a good conversation and I was swimming in liters of murky philosphical and opinionated discussions until well after 2:00am, it was another long night in Paris, although I spent it sitting in the lobby of the hostel after dinner with Nicole. Funny, you say? C'est increyable...but 'tis true, my friend. And -- I hope to have more soon. I detoured to the Netherlands for visiting with family, which was a welcome departure from dirty showers and sweaty laundry. I spent the last two days in Amsterdam with my sweet cousin, Tamarah and her boyfriend, Tobias, who I encountered for the first time. From the evening I arrived, I was put on a bicycle and asked to maneuver through the unusual streets of the city. When I say unusual, I mean dangerous! The city has laws I'm sure, for bicycles and four-wheeled vehicles alike, but I didn't see signs clearly posted. Instead, you "biked"for it, ran out of the way if you were a pedestrian, or tailgated cyclists on your way left and right in shiny BMWs. We had dinner at a nice Middle-eastern/Turkish restaurant and it lightly rained later when we drove to a cafe for drinks along the canals. Drinks by the Reine turned out to be my favorite pasttime. Whether it was Juliper, Heineken, or un cafe ...Wonderful time to spend a few hours with friends.

Cycling in Vondel Park

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  • Stop 10: 08/10 | Venice, Italy (Departure 12:35pm)
  • Stop 09: 08/04-08/09 | Cinque Terre, Italy
  • Stop 08: 08/03-08/04 | Milan, Italy
  • Stop 07: 08/01-08/02 | Berlin/Munich, Germany (Stephanie, Liesel, Jack)
  • Stop 06: 07/30-08/01 | Breda, NL (Arjan, Lorene, Lex, Lisa)
  • Stop 05: 07/29 | Den Hague, NL (Oom Eerie/Tante Jona)
  • Stop 04: 07/28-07/29 | Amsterdam, NL (Tamarah & Tobias)
  • Stop 03: 07/26-07/28 | Paris, France (Florence's Parents/Cousins)
  • Stop 02: 07/25-07/26 | London, Great Britain (Arrival 8:05am)
  • Stop 01: 07/24 | New York, NY (Departure 5:40pm)
  • Stop 00A-00B: 07/21-07/24 | Buffalo, NY (Work/Customer Event)