Monday, July 21, 2008

A Layover is A Good Story...So how about 5 of them?

First Day of the Adventure

Breathlessly arriving into John Wayne airport, I check-in at the front desk via electronic ticket. Only – my credit card, my license and my e-ticket confirmation number do not compute with this check-in, as expected. The woman behind the counter takes my license and informs me after a few agonizing moments...

-Did I actually purchase this reservation?
-What if I don’t get to New York on time?
-What if I don't have time to get into the office before my event on Tuesday?
-Did I forget to buy the tickets? No, it isn't possible.

My flight has been cancelled. This means that my original departure at 8:23pm is now 9:40pm and instead of one layover, I will stop in Vegas, then D.C. and I won't even land at JFK, but rather at La Guardia-New York. I count my extended stay at John Wayne as a layover (Especially because it was over an hour after my boarding time and my departure time. Ick.) I stop in Vegas and end up sitting next to some really tall black dudes who happen to play Illinois basketball, not just for fun. They are players from Chicago who were in Vegas for 2 weeks. It doesn't dawn on me that they are anybody famous. a) I don't watch basketball b) Not a big deal anyway

The one who asked me what I was in Vegas for and why -- he is called "D", apparently he goes by "Dee Brown", as I am handed a copy of a hip hop cd. P He adds me on Myspace -- this is the big thing these days, guys. I'm sorry I keep giving in. I hardly want to become a Myspace champion, but I still find it interesting to read what people chose to say about themselves and the pictures posted for the whole world to see. Never dull, that's for sure.

So...not long after, I got on a plane to D.C., then got on a plane to New York, then decided I was too tired to drive to Buffalo as per original plan, and bought a ticket to Philly, then finally to Buffalo, since it was the best one available. Now that I'm finally here, I'm destressing a bit only because my room is amazing. My event planner decided to impress me because I've been working on this event for months and he requested the hotel staff treat me as a VIP. They handed me room keys to a suite for the next few days and I'm reminded of the fact that I'll be staying in youth hostels and 1-star hotels, where they might be bugs. My room is a 2-room suite with a huge dining room and its own entryway and so on. I'll show you pictures when I get them. Talk to you soon...

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  • Stop 10: 08/10 | Venice, Italy (Departure 12:35pm)
  • Stop 09: 08/04-08/09 | Cinque Terre, Italy
  • Stop 08: 08/03-08/04 | Milan, Italy
  • Stop 07: 08/01-08/02 | Berlin/Munich, Germany (Stephanie, Liesel, Jack)
  • Stop 06: 07/30-08/01 | Breda, NL (Arjan, Lorene, Lex, Lisa)
  • Stop 05: 07/29 | Den Hague, NL (Oom Eerie/Tante Jona)
  • Stop 04: 07/28-07/29 | Amsterdam, NL (Tamarah & Tobias)
  • Stop 03: 07/26-07/28 | Paris, France (Florence's Parents/Cousins)
  • Stop 02: 07/25-07/26 | London, Great Britain (Arrival 8:05am)
  • Stop 01: 07/24 | New York, NY (Departure 5:40pm)
  • Stop 00A-00B: 07/21-07/24 | Buffalo, NY (Work/Customer Event)